Saturday, 27 November 2010

Waging war with notes and words, BRB

Well, how hard could it be to write a song?
Very hard, I'll tell you that.

Yeah, I'm writing a song. Why would I decide to write a song? Because I'm obsessed with the band ALL CAPS and watch too many of their videos. And recently I've noticed, they can write a song about ANYTHING, and tend to do so in a very short amount of time. Henceforth, I've been trying to write a song. (This would be so much easier if I had a friend that owned autotune software, or just friends that would be willing to be a part of a band I've been planning called Zombie Kittens. Sigh.)

My song idea so far? It's from the POV of someone who's trying to write a song. Yeah, it sounds stupid. But it'll give me an excuse to fail at writing this song! :D

And if you were wondering, yes I was doing NaNoWriMo. And yes, I stopped. Maybe next summer I might try to write a novel. It'd give me more time.... huh. I'll do that. If I don't, yell at me until I do.

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