Glossary Of Terms

Ze Gender-neutral pronoun equivalent to "she"/"he".
Ze liked to bowl, but ze wasn't very good at it.

Hir Gender-neutral pronoun equivalent to "her"/"him".
It was hir house, but Sam acted like it wasn't hir problem when it exploded.

Hirs Gender-neutral pronoun equivalent to "hers"/"his".
"The dead cat over there is hirs," the mysterious bystander said to the robo-cop, "but the car is hirs."

Derp A term used to express a moment of stupidity. Can also be used as "derpily" "derpful" "derpalicious" and the more extreme "herpa derp(a)"
"Derp?" Angela said, after being told an extremely long equation.

Gender-Queer A person who is gender-queer is not an "it", they just do not fall into the gender binary.

Pangender Someone who identifies as a mix of the binary genders, or even a third gender.

Pansexual No, that does not mean someone who uses pans for sexual pleasure. Pansexuality is more like a proper term for what most think bisexuality means: gender blind when it comes to love.