Friday, 19 November 2010

News Blog: HP, The End Of The World and LOVE (11.19.10)

Alrighty folks, today I have two major things to talk about.

Thing 1....

Okay, so last night/this morning, I went to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part one).
And oh my gosh it was absolutely amazing.
You know how in most movies that are birthed from books there are large scenes cut out? This one only had two: the little conflict between Harry and Lupin was gone, I guess, and there was a scene that showed Luna's room. Sadly I never was able to get my hands on the book so I haven't read it, so I heard all of this from my friends. Watching the movie on the big screen was absolutely amazing though, making buying tickets a week and a half in advance and waiting in the theater for two hours before the movie started all worth it.

Thing 2....

While I was in the theater waiting in line, I noticed another small line forming, a long with a bunch of preteen giggling. To my shock and horror, there was a giant cardboard cut out of
Apparently the prepubescent turd is getting his own movie. Great. What happened to all of the great musicians, who knew the difference between concerts and film and tended to treat the border with respect? And I'm pretty sure it's just one of those dumb 3D concert movies.

Well, hopefully the world gets a little bit better in time for my next News Blog. I'll try to do these weekly, or whenever there's a major thing going on.


** Oh, I nearly forgot! Today was the day that you were supposed to write love on your arms! I participated, along with most of my school~

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