Monday, 29 November 2010

Days that start out good but end up bad.

Okay, so remember how in my last post I said my teacher was going to yell at me for not finishing my homework? Well this caused me to freak out last night, and be really worried in the morning. Barely got any sleep cause of this. But then, the world decided to like me. My teacher put off the due date till the end of the week. HUZZAHHHHHH. I nearly cried from happiness.

That day went on pretty freaking well, for the most part. could've gone better, but it was pretty interesting.

Then I get home, and my mom's throwing a semi-drunken temper tantrum. Ugh. Why did life decide to go from being happy and sparkly to dead and gross. And I had to read a few chapters of The Catcher In The Rye, but I could only get through a few pages because of my mom interrupting my focus.

This night was made ten times better by my friend Erin though. When her and I shared Harry Potter parody songs, it made my night. Or day. Or week. Pick between the two, but those songs were hilarious.

((As a side note that I just thought I'd share with you, my dad is watching South Park right now. Many times before I liked the show did he ask me to watch it with him. This is why my dad is awesome.))

Check out the fabulous ERIN's blog here~:

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