Friday, 25 March 2011

Days off with nothing to do.

Yes, I'm staying home from school. Everyone around me yesterday when I was sneezing sniffling and falling asleep in class told me that I should stay home today, so I did.

Yesterday was amazing, by the way. Not only did I find out that I got into Rhinoceros as a part of the ensemble of rhinoceroses, but I also took a nap from 5:30PM till 8:30PM, watched American Idol, ate some cream of potato soup from the can (you know, the kind with the cubed potatoes that fall to the bottom) AND fell back asleep until 9:30AM when I woke up to my mom's easy-over-easy eggs, toast, and some OJ and watched a ton of Meekakitty videos on youtube and it got me thinking...

...Should I start a vlog?
Wow my sentences run on when I'm sick...

Yes, yes, I know. It's so mainstream and what not. But a lot of my friends vlog, and some musicians I know and love started off their lives from vlogging and that got them famous-ish-er then they were before. I know I'm only a freshman in high school, but I'm thinking the earlier I start the more time I have to get viewers? I don't know, I think I just want to do something exciting with my life. If you haven't noticed, I'm quite a dreamer.

I just felt like I needed to rant out to someone. Thanks for listening? (if you even did)


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